Does IRB run on Windows-98?

Using the current 1-click installer I don’t seem to get an IRB.

Thanks for any tips.

duh. i did not investigate beyond the (missing) entry in the start menu.


“daz” [email protected] wrote in message
news:[email protected]

itsme213 wrote:

Using the current 1-click installer I don’t seem to get an IRB.

It runs, yes.

You should have an irb.bat in C:\ruby\bin ?
(Double-click should start it.)

I notice it’s not in Start Menu->Programs->Ruby 182-15
(‘fxri’ is).

Right-click on irb.bat – Create Shortcut, then drag the
shortcut to the Start button (navigate to Ruby 182-15)
and drop it next to ‘fxri’. Kind of thing ?
