Does id have special meaning?

I want to make four links with different arguments but the same
The first time, I did it like this:
<%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx, :id => 0} %>
<%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx, :id => 1} %>
<%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx, :id => 2} %>
<%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx} %>
yes, I want the forth link with no argument.
But it didn’t work. when current url is xx/1, then the forth link
bring me to xx/1 , xx/2, xx/0 as the same.
I solve it by changing the argument name, something like
<%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx, :ids => 0} %>
then the url looks like xx?ids=0
everything works
Can anyone tells me more details about it ? or just where can I find
the answer.
Thanks a lot!

Yeah you are right, i have the same event like yours.

The forth link " <%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx} %> " should have the
same meaning with " <%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx, :id => 0} %> ", In
this case I usually put additional params like you have done too "<%=
link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx, :ids => 0} %> ", I have no idea how it
could be like that.

Please check, are you using render in your controller to show
destination link?

Because your link is http://localhost:3000/xx/1, when you run <%=
link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx} %>, ruby will have your params[:id] from
your original url.
it looks like reference params[:id].

so if your url http://localhost:3000/xx/what_ever_id, the link of “<%=
link_to ‘xx’ {:action => xx} %>” will be “<%= link_to ‘xx’ {:action =>
xx, :id => what_ever_id} %>”, understand? you can use <%= link_to ‘xx’
{:controller => yy, :action => xx} %> OR xx , i not
check it but maybe it works.

Reinhart Ariando
YM : Booking2Heaven

Get it !
Thanks a lot !~~

On Feb 19, 10:21 am, Visit Indonesia 2008 <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-