Does anyone know whether ActiveRecord has supported connection pool?

does anyone know whether ActiveRecord has supported connection pool? i
can’t find articles talking about this, if so how to control it in
Rails apps.

thanks a lot.

On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Kang P. [email protected] wrote:

does anyone know whether ActiveRecord has supported connection pool? i
can’t find articles talking about this, if so how to control it in
Rails apps.

In Rails 2.1 and earlier, Active Record uses a single persistent
connection per thread.

Beginning in Rails 2.2, Active Record uses a connection pool. Install
the 2.2rc2 release and give it a spin.


thanks. so before Rails2.2, each request will open new connection to
database according to ‘Active Record uses a single persistent
connection per thread’? because as i know, each request will start a new
thread, is it correct?

ok, so i think ActiveRecord is thread safe, right? if so, each request
call to database will be processed one by one, not concurrent, this
RoR’s will be not good when faces big amont of requests in a short time.
it ture?

No, just one connection.

kang peng wrote:

ok, so i think ActiveRecord is thread safe, right? if so, each request
call to database will be processed one by one, not concurrent, this
RoR’s will be not good when faces big amont of requests in a short time.
it ture?

Do you have a scaling problem right now? If not then worry about this
when you do…

Right. You need to use a nonblocking database driver to do concurrent

You can do this with neverblock’s database drivers and Active Record
adapter ( or with


thanks for great suggestion :slight_smile:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Robert W. <

thank you very much.

Can anybody tell me about this?
Does this “connection pool” have something to do with multiple
database connection?
Or it is only for concurrent access with one database?

It has to do with multiple connections to one database.

It has, however, always been possible to have some models living in one
database, and others living in others, if that’s what you want.
Relationships accross databases don’t always work perfectly, if you’re
trying to do fancy things. (Like, pre-loading a relationship accross

For using multiple databases in your app, see:

Incidentally, even pre Rails 2.2, I have had success using multiple
connections to a single db in different threads, using the mysql gem
adapter. Now I wonder if the mysql gem adapter is actually non-blocking
though, or if my different threads were still blocking on db access.


boblu wrote:

Can anybody tell me about this?
Does this “connection pool” have something to do with multiple
database connection?
Or it is only for concurrent access with one database?