I’m seeing something really weird…I’ve got a functional test set up,
and it runs fine. I add a second one after it…and now the first one
breaks. Comment out the second one, and the first one runs fine
again. No, the failed assertion is not happening in the second test,
according to the test output it’s definitely a failure in the first
test. Why would this be happening? I thought the outcome of one test
shouldn’t affect the outcome of another…but clearly this is not the
Here are the two tests. If I comment out test_signup_bad_password,
test_signup runs fine. If I include test_signup_bad_password, then
test_signup fails on
assert_equal 1, user.verified
saying “<1> expected but was <0>.”
I’m just confused, because I don’t think it should work like this…
def test_signup
LoginEngine::CONFIG[:use_email_notification] = true
LoginEngine::CONFIG[:require_validation] = true
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
@request.session[:return_to] = "/bogus/location"
assert_equal 5, User.count
post :signup, :user => { :login => "newbob", :password =>
“newpassword”, :password_confirmation => “newpassword”, :email =>
“[email protected]” }
assert_session_has_no :user
assert_redirect_url(@controller.url_for(:action => "login"))
assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[0]
assert_equal "[email protected]", mail.to_addrs[0].to_s
assert_match /login:\s+\w+\n/, mail.encoded
assert_match /password:\s+\w+\n/, mail.encoded
mail.encoded =~ /key=(.*?)"/
key = $1
user = User.find_by_email("[email protected]")
assert_not_nil user
assert_equal 0, user.verified
# First past the expiration.
Time.advance_by_days = 1
get :home, :user=> { "id" => "#{user.id}" }, "key" => "#{key}"
Time.advance_by_days = 0
user = User.find_by_email("[email protected]")
assert_equal 0, user.verified
# Then a bogus key.
get :home, :user=> { "id" => "#{user.id}" }, "key" => "boguskey"
user = User.find_by_email("[email protected]")
assert_equal 0, user.verified
# Now the real one.
get :home, :user=> { "id" => "#{user.id}" }, "key" => "#{key}"
user = User.find_by_email("[email protected]")
assert_equal 1, user.verified # Fails when signup_bad_password is run
post :login, :user => { :login => "newbob", :password => "newpassword"
assert_session_has :user
get :logout
def test_signup_bad_password
LoginEngine::CONFIG[:use_email_notification] = true
LoginEngine::CONFIG[:require_validation] = true
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
@request.session[:return_to] = "/bogus/location"
post :signup, :user => { :login => "newbob", :password => "bad",
:password_confirmation => “bad”, :email => “[email protected]” }
assert_session_has_no :user
assert_invalid_column_on_record “user”, “password”
assert_equal 0, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size