dnssd version 1.2 has been released!
DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby. Implements
resolving, registration and domain enumeration.
1.2.0 / 2009-08-11
3 major enhancements
- DNSSD::Service is now directly instantiable
- DNSSD.announce which registers a server socket you’ve created
- DNSSD::Reply.connect which connects to a browsed service
- Fix asynchronous service shutdown crash
3 minor enhancements
- DNSSD.resolve now optionally accepts a DNSSD::Reply from
DNSSD.browse - Use rb_thread_wait_fd instead of custom rb_thread_select code
- DNSSD::Reply#protocol and DNSSD::Reply#service_name
- Added missing error classes
- Added missing InterfaceUnicast constant
- Improved Documentation
- Use C constants in ext/dnssd/errors.c
- Reduced C code in ext/dnssd/service.c for greater control. See
- DNSSD.resolve now optionally accepts a DNSSD::Reply from
4 bug fixes
- Don’t invoke block on callback if none was provided
- Remove ext/dnssd/dns_sd.h so the correct header is used
- DNSSD::NoMemoryError is now raised instead of NoMemError
- DNSSD::ReferenceUsedError is now correctly named DNSSD::RefusedError