DL (1.9.2p180) nested struct definitions

The sample code Ruby 1.9.2 DL nested structs · GitHub tries to declare the
OVERLAPPED struct and ReadFile fcn from

Lines 19-34 of the gist are wrong and give the following error:

C:\Users\Jon\Documents\RubyDev\sandbox>ruby dl_readfile.rb
C:/ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/dl/cparser.rb:104:in parse_ctype': unknown type: OL_OFFSET (DL::DLError) from C:/ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/dl/cparser.rb:33:in block in
from C:/ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/dl/cparser.rb:9:in each' from C:/ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/dl/cparser.rb:9:in parse_struct_signature’
from C:/ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/dl/import.rb:173:in union' from dl_readfile.rb:27:in module:Win32FileAPI
from dl_readfile.rb:4:in `’

I’ve tried a couple different nested struct styles but haven’t got it to
work. How should I define OVERLAPPED?


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