Distribution and integration - any debs?


I’m currently trying to build a newer Debian/Ubuntu package of GNU Radio
(with the 3.3 stable and 3.4git, including UHD and QT/WX GUIs). It seems
the current binary distribution lacks updates (3.2 is the last version).
However syncing or integrating work over many workstations (here we have
~8-10) is easier using pre-compiled debs.

Is there any current work here? Compiling the Git source tree or the
stable tar ball requires lots of dependency hunting, which should not be
necessary on each individual work station. I’d like to be able to
integrate upon a proper package management (updates, conflicts,
additional stacks) to keep work compatible.

While it seems the current build system is going to change to cmake…
is there any progress here that could ease my part? Or does anyone have
a repo, PPA, DL for an updated deb? - That could be very helpful :slight_smile:


On 10/06/2011 01:21 AM, Marius Ciepluch wrote:

necessary on each individual work station. I’d like to be able to
integrate upon a proper package management (updates, conflicts,
additional stacks) to keep work compatible.

There should be zero dependency hunting if you follow the build guide.
Please update the wiki if this is not the case.

While it seems the current build system is going to change to cmake…
is there any progress here that could ease my part? Or does anyone have
a repo, PPA, DL for an updated deb? - That could be very helpful :slight_smile:

I did some work based of my cmake branch to generate debian files for
each component. Basically, the work consists of an example dependencies
file, a mini project to build each deb file, and a script to tie it all


It basically works like this: The make_debs script will build the
project which generates an install manifest for all the files in each
component. Then for each component, it uses the manifest to generate a
mini project which builds a deb package. The end result is a directory
full of debian packages. Usage:

make_debs.sh Ubuntu_11_04.cmake

As it stands, there are a few major things missing:

  1. fixing minor issues to make the deb lint checker tool happy
  2. providing a set of package dependencies per component, per os
  3. and actually testing the generated deb packages

Most of the work here is based around the idea of generating multiple
debian packages, 1 per component. CMake has no issue generating one big
DEB package or 1 big RPM for the entirety of the project (you can do
this w/ my next branch). Aside from that, the issue would still be
gathering up a list of dependencies per OS just like in the
Ubuntu_11_04.cmake file. We would probably want to cover all off the
recent ubuntus from 10.04LTS to now and the most recent two fedoras.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Marius Ciepluch
[email protected] wrote:


I’m currently trying to build a newer Debian/Ubuntu package of GNU Radio
(with the 3.3 stable and 3.4git, including UHD and QT/WX GUIs). It seems
the current binary distribution lacks updates (3.2 is the last version).
However syncing or integrating work over many workstations (here we have
~8-10) is easier using pre-compiled debs.

Hi Marius,

It would be great to have debian packages. Is there any particular
reason you want 3.3? The latest stable release is 3.4.1.


I did some work based of my cmake branch to generate debian files for
each component. Basically, the work consists of an example dependencies
file, a mini project to build each deb file, and a script to tie it all


Looks useful, but I guess the repo is corrupt

% git clone git://gnuradio.org/jblum.git
Cloning into jblum…
remote: Counting objects: 55088, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13343/13343), done.
remote: Total 55088 (delta 43270), reused 52845 (delta 41272)
Receiving objects: 100% (55088/55088), 24.76 MiB | 1.87 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (43270/43270), done.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

On 10/11/2011 02:15 AM, Marius wrote:

% git clone git://gnuradio.org/jblum.git
Cloning into jblum…
remote: Counting objects: 55088, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13343/13343), done.
remote: Total 55088 (delta 43270), reused 52845 (delta 41272)
Receiving objects: 100% (55088/55088), 24.76 MiB | 1.87 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (43270/43270), done.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

I do not like to keep a master branch on that repo. After all, it would
always be out of date. Just checkout the branch that you are looking