Distributing hidden Ruby code

There was some discussion in the past here about how to distribute
Ruby programs in a way that their source code is not visible to
people. Today I saw that a company called Chilkat is doing something
like this. I have not checked out the details, but someone might want


In message
[email protected], Leslie
Viljoen [email protected] writes

There was some discussion in the past here about how to distribute
Ruby programs in a way that their source code is not visible to
people. Today I saw that a company called Chilkat is doing something
like this. I have not checked out the details, but someone might want


I couldn’t find anything on the homepage or products page that matches a
simple text search for “Ruby”.


Stephen K. wrote:

In message
[email protected], Leslie
Viljoen [email protected] writes

There was some discussion in the past here about how to distribute
Ruby programs in a way that their source code is not visible to
people. Today I saw that a company called Chilkat is doing something
like this. I have not checked out the details, but someone might want


I couldn’t find anything on the homepage or products page that matches a
simple text search for “Ruby”.


L H column → Downloads

(maybe it is so new they haven’t updated the website yet?)

More importantly…why would you want to distribute obfuscated ruby
apps? If it is able to be sent (finally) to the parser / interpreter,
then it can be broken by a hacker. The first condition is a requisite
(else the code would never run). So why go to the trouble? Why not just
license your code under a specific license that denies all reusability?
If you feel that you really must obfuscate, try these links:



They are not really providing Ruby code, but writing their code in C
and providing a binary compiled into a DLL that Ruby can load. I am no
fan of closed source but this provides an option if someone wanted to
sell components useable from Ruby.

The components do also provide something useful I think, if you
can’t write your own and need a solution right now. I’m pleased people
are thinking about Ruby support for such things while we wait for an
open source version.
