Distributed libraries without Git?


Following scenario: We would like to share some libraries (can be gems)
and include them as easy as possible within different apps.

With bundler and git repositories, this would be rather easy it seems.
However, we are forced to use .svn here…

Can anyone recommend a way to do this? Setting up a central gem server
and pushing to it? Or does it work somehow with bundler and svn?

Thanks in advance,

With bundler and git repositories, this would be rather easy it seems.
However, we are forced to use .svn here…

Can anyone recommend a way to do this? Setting up a central gem server
and pushing to it? Or does it work somehow with bundler and svn?

I’m a little confused by this. Bundler doesn’t care what version
control system you’re using to store your own code. If the gem lives
in a Git repository, then yes, you’ll need Git to access it. But if
your own code is in SVN or CVS or Hg, that shouldn’t make a
difference, should it?

~ jf

John F.
Principal Consultant, BitsBuilder
LI: http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnxf
SO: User John Feminella - Stack Overflow

what I was referring to is:

gem “rails”, :git => “git://github.com/rails/rails.git”

in your gemfile - I don’t think that works with svn right?
or did I miss anything?