Displaying Text_Area values in HTML

This is one of those problems thats probably too simple to be written
down somewhere and that is why I cant find it in any help or through

I have a model which has a description. This description is entered
through a text_area (multiline). For example:

This is line one.

This ie line two

Now whenever I want to display this value read-only in one of my views I
cant simply do <%= @model.description %>. This will cause the text to be
printed as:
‘This is line one.This is line two’

How do I get the text to be displayed correctly with, I guess, HTML

and other escape characters included? Im sure there should be a
helper or something that accomplishes this already in Rails 2.3.2

On Jul 24, 4:05 pm, “C, D.” [email protected] wrote:

Now whenever I want to display this value read-only in one of my views I
cant simply do <%= @model.description %>. This will cause the text to be
printed as:
‘This is line one.This is line two’

How do I get the text to be displayed correctly with, I guess, HTML

and other escape characters included? Im sure there should be a
helper or something that accomplishes this already in Rails 2.3.2

simple_format does that.
