Hi, I am a bit confused on exactly how this works out.
I have ObjectA which has_many :things and Thing belongs_to :object_a
So, what I want to do is display all the things that ObjectA has in a
text_area. When I have
<%= f.text_area(“things”) %>
I get a text_area with
I want to display thing.name, but I’m stuck at this point.
Any help would be great, thanks.
Jeremy W. wrote:
Hi, I am a bit confused on exactly how this works out.
I have ObjectA which has_many :things and Thing belongs_to :object_a
So, what I want to do is display all the things that ObjectA has in a
text_area. When I have
<%= f.text_area(“things”) %>
I get a text_area with
I want to display thing.name, but I’m stuck at this point.
Any help would be great, thanks.
sorry, I just realized that it says rails deployment, and not rails
soo tired…