Displaying contents of dispatch.fcgi rather than running it

SYSTEM: Apache2/RHEL4/FastCGI latest gem, ruby and rails builds.

i’ve installed rails on the above system. i get the ‘riding on rails’
welcome page, but when i click ‘about your applications environment’, it
returns the contents of the dispatch.fcgi file, instead of running it.

i’ve been struggling with this one for quite some time with no luck. the
old dispatch.cgi doesn’t even work. file perms, database connections,
etc, have been checked so it looks like that is a non-issue.

anyone have any ideas or wrestled with this one before?

many many thanks for your help

On 6/21/06, kryptyk [email protected] wrote:

You need to configure apache so that it knows what to do with .fcgi
files. For example something like this:

AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

But with fastcgi there are also more things you need to configure. I
think there is some good info on this at the rails wiki. I haven’t
used fastcgi in long enough that I don’t remember all the particulars.

snacktime wrote:

On 6/21/06, kryptyk [email protected] wrote:

You need to configure apache so that it knows what to do with .fcgi
files. For example something like this:

AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

But with fastcgi there are also more things you need to configure. I
think there is some good info on this at the rails wiki. I haven’t
used fastcgi in long enough that I don’t remember all the particulars.

hey snacktime – doh! now it seems so obvious. i had forgotten to Load
the fastcgi module in the conf file, though I didn’t forget to put the
AddHandler statement in. no module - no handler!

dude, thanks for the smack on the head. just what i needed. :slight_smile:

peace and respect