Displaying already stored images from the database in rails


Can anyone tell me how to display images which are already stored in
I have a table in which one column stores the url of the image like
usrimg/xxx.gif. How to display this images in view?

Thanks in advance:)

Can anyone tell me how to display images which are already stored in
I have a table in which one column stores the url of the image like
usrimg/xxx.gif. How to display this images in view?

If your controller was named pages_controller.rb you would do:

def index
@pages = Page.all

In the index.html.erb view you would do:

(if your table field for the image url was named image_url)

<% @pages.each do |page| %>
<%= image_tag(page.image_url) %>
<% end %>

If you want to apply specific formatting for your images and it’s going
to be repetitive, you could simply create a helper to do the formatting
for you and call the helper method in the view.