Hello All,
I’m trying to display the content of a specific child page.
Is there anyway to do this via radius tags?
I realize that I can do all children (or whatever) via
r:children:each or :first but I need to do :specificpage and I’m not
sure how that is done.
Is there a way to do that?
BJ Clark
I don’t really understand your question. You want to display the
content of a specific child page, where? If you just want to show that
page simply use http://yourURL.com/nameOfChildPage . If you could
expound a little more what exactly are you trying to accomplish we
should be able to help you a bit better.
<r:find url=“about”>
<r:content part=“body” />
This includes the content of the page ‘about’ into your actual
Alternative you could write ‘<r:content />’, because per default
the body page part is shown (or you could include self defined
page parts).
Best regards,
Andreas S.
BJ Clark schrieb:
perhaps it’s necessary to code it this way:
<r:find url=“about”>
<r:if_content part=“special_part”>
<r:content part=“special_part” />
Best regards,
Andreas S.
Ruben D. Orduz schrieb:
I’m just trying to display the content of certain pages in other pages.
Are you sure this works for you? It’s not putting anything in my page.
I don’t get an error, but it doesn’t do anything either.
Thanks 2 everyone,
BJ Clark
I suppose I misunderstood his question. I thought he wanted to know
how to access the content of a child page, but in retrospect, I
realize that he just wanted to show the actual content of a child page
somewhere else. I think the <r:find> tag definitely helps, but I don’t
know if it is able to bring specific parts of a child page or of it
will retrieve the content of the whole page. I guess he could play
with the DB and then do a <r:find by=“fieldName”>???
I figured it out.
I was trying to pull a page that was 2 levels below where I was trying
to pull it from.
I had to call it by url=“level1/pagename”
But that works just dandy.
Thanks all,
Not to toot my own horn, but that was explained in the Getting started
wiki. BTW, John, I need to get back to finish that off…maybe this
weekend if I can find the time.
it works for me. The content tag is also described
here: http://radiantcms.org/blog/2006/05/11/tag-primer/
The example says:
<r:content part=“sidebar” /> → Content from the sidebar part of the
The part attribute (shown above) allows you to specify which part of the
page you would like to render. When used without a part attribute the
content tag will render the “body†part.
Best regards,
Andreas S.
BJ Clark schrieb: