Display message if cookies are off?

How do I determine if a user has cookies turned off? Some of our users
in the corporate environment have cookies turned off and are complaining
that they can’t log in. I’d like to display a message if this is the
case. How do I do this?

Thanks for your help.


How do I determine if a user has cookies turned off? Some of our users
in the corporate environment have cookies turned off and are complaining
that they can’t log in. I’d like to display a message if this is the
case. How do I do this?

I’ve implemented something like this with a before_filter in my
controller. Rails send a session cookie to the client after the first
request. Check your application_controller.rb what it’s called. Most
it’s called something like “_projectname_session_id” with projectname
replaced with the name of your application.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
session :session_key => ‘_projectname_session_id’

before_filter :check_if_cookies_work


def check_if_cookies_work
flash[:alert] = “Please enable cookies!” if


Hope this helps.


You can also check session.new_session in the login action. If
cookies are turned off, this will be true all the time since rails
will attempt to set it on every request.

On May 9, 10:26 pm, Timo S. [email protected]