Hi there,
I have an author model and a book model.
I’m trying to create a “add new book” link for each author from the
authors index page, that would point to a new book page, with the the
author select field already “selected” to the good option.
the author select in the new book form is created with
I don’t know how to pass such a variable in a url using rails url
schema. I’ve looked in the link_to documentation, but nothing about
this specific case.
any help would be greatly appreciated,
thanks in advance.
Two ways the good and the bad :
@author = Author.find(params[:author_id])
@book = @author.books.new
or (not so good)
@author = Author.find(params[:author])
@book = Book.new
@book.author = @author
Should work too…
thanks for your help
/authors/3/books/new gives me a
Routing Error
No route matches “/authors/3/books/new” with {:method=>:get}
I guess i need to update my routes.rb for this to work ?
i’ve tried this :
map.resources :books, :path_prefix => “/authors/:author_id”
without success …
if that helps : i’m using rails 2 with REST.
I’ve managed to do it the old way using /books/new?author_id=
@author = Author.find(params[:author_id])
@book = @author.books.new
as you’ve suggested.
thanks again.