Is there a rails wide solution that would show decimals like “5.00” as
“5” in both views and forms?
I guess it would presume overwriting the BigDecimal class, but I have
no idea how.
Is there a rails wide solution that would show decimals like “5.00” as
“5” in both views and forms?
I guess it would presume overwriting the BigDecimal class, but I have
no idea how.
On Jul 11, 2008, at 5:11 PM, Marcelo B. wrote:
Is there a rails wide solution that would show decimals like “5.00” as
“5” in both views and forms?I guess it would presume overwriting the BigDecimal class, but I have
no idea how.
Not Rails wide, but just use to_i() in your views…
x = 5.00
x.to_i # -> 5
I wouldn’t recommend overriding BigDecimal’s default display…
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