When a form is submitted and handled by Rails, it doesn’t strip out
parameters, instead just inserting those values as-is (blank strings).
not claiming this to be a problem or a bug, I just want to know if there
a built-in way to normalize these values to ensure clean data. I’ve been
adding simple callbacks to turn those blank strings into NULL’s.
like this:
before_save :nilify_blanks
def nilify_blanks
self.attributes.keys.each { |a| self[a] = nil if self[a] == "" }
But it gets a little tedious to add this to every model, or mixing it
or whatever. It doesn’t really matter to me if everything is blank, or
everything is NULL, I just want the consistency to avoid queries like:
Event.where(“title is not null and title != ‘’”)
We have a lot of tasks running behind the scenes that are creating
and I don’t want to have to do something like this every time:
Event.create(start_date: Time.now, title: “”, description: “”,
I’m of the mindset that the database should be as hands-off as possible
when it comes to data integrity (for example, allowing NULL in a column
even if it is a required field in the application), instead leaving that
the the application via validations. It feels cleaner to me to only have
one source of validation, and if we decide that a field shouldn’t be
required, I don’t think that deserves a schema alteration on the
So: does Rails have anything built-in to ensure this kind of data