This code disables the ‘Save’ button once clicked, but doesn’t seem to
send the form data.
<%= submit_tag ‘Save’, :class => ‘submit’, :onclick =>
“document.getElementById(‘save_button’).disabled=true;”, :id =>
“save_button” %>
This code sends the form data and a record is created, but isn’t
disabled once clicked. A user can click this many times, creating a new
record each time.
<%= submit_tag ‘Save’, :class => ‘submit’, :onclick =>
“document.getElementById(‘save_button’).disabled=true;”, :id =>
“save_button” %>
Anyone know of a way to fix the javascript to disable the ‘Save’ button
and also send the form data when clicked once?
Hi Frank,
On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 22:44 +0100, Frank K. wrote:
“document.getElementById(‘save_button’).disabled=true;”, :id =>
“save_button” %>
Anyone know of a way to fix the javascript to disable the ‘Save’ button
and also send the form data when clicked once?
I think you made a copy / paste mistake. I can’t find a character’s
worth of difference between the two. Try again, or point me.
Best regards,
When you write that onclick, don’t you have to also make it submit the
form? Try this:
<%= submit_tag ‘Save’, :class => ‘submit’, :onclick =>
:id =>
“save_button” %>
changing the id, obviously.
Sorry about that. I meant to replace “:onclick” with “:onchange”.
bill walton wrote:
Hi Frank,
On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 22:44 +0100, Frank K. wrote:
“document.getElementById(‘save_button’).disabled=true;”, :id =>
“save_button” %>
Anyone know of a way to fix the javascript to disable the ‘Save’ button
and also send the form data when clicked once?
I think you made a copy / paste mistake. I can’t find a character’s
worth of difference between the two. Try again, or point me.
Best regards,
On Jan 20, 10:08Â pm, Frank K. [email protected] wrote:
I will give that a try.
Also look at submit_tag’s :disable_with option - no need to reinvent
the wheel!