Given a numerical search term I want to avoid matching the model id as
this has no real world significance when returned in the results (in
this instance).
For example the user may enter ‘13’ when looking for a product code.
Presently they will also get back the product that has id 13.
On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 04:13:11AM +0100, Andrew E. wrote:
Given a numerical search term I want to avoid matching the model id as
this has no real world significance when returned in the results (in
this instance).
For example the user may enter ‘13’ when looking for a product code.
Presently they will also get back the product that has id 13.
what version of aaf do you use? the id is not supposed to be included in
queries, however it might be that this is the case in older versions.
However this fails with “You can’t store the term vectors of an
unindexed field”.
I don’t know if not indexing the id would be a good idea, since it is
used as a key field and needed for updates (delete old document by id,
add new one).
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