Disable logging images or seperate image log files

Hello list,

After some google search I guess this is yet discussed before. How do I:

  1. disable nginx logging image requests(no .gif|.jpg|.png logging in
  2. keep logging image requests, but seperate it to another
    file(main_access.log and img_access.log)
  3. disable logging requests of some pattern or log them on another file

Any examples are appreciated.


Pahud wrote:

Hello list,

After some google search I guess this is yet discussed before. How do I:

  1. disable nginx logging image requests(no . logging in access_log)

location ~* .(gif|jpg|png) {
access_log off;


Or if all are in a directory and it’s subdirectories:

location ^~ /images/ {
access_log off;



  1. keep logging image requests, but seperate it to another
    file(main_access.log and img_access.log)

location ~* .(gif|jpg|png)$ {
access_log /path/to/access.log;


  1. disable logging requests of some pattern or log them on another file

Use a regex in “location” block. See
Module ngx_http_core_module.

Any examples are appreciated.

