Disable action mailer only to blog posts in site

how to write a code to stop mail sending when a new blog post is created
to the users.

app/mailers/blog mailer :

class BlogMailer < ActionMailer::Base

default from: " Impact Institute (alert)
[email protected]"

def new_post_alert(follower, post)
@follower, @post = follower, post
mail(:to => “#{follower.name} <#{follower.email}>”, :subject => “New
Blog entry at impactinstitute.org: #{post.title}”)

i have reasearch mailer file and also resource mailer.i only want above
functionality to stop mails to the users when new post is created plz

On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 11:45:44 AM UTC, Ruby-Forum.com User

how to write a code to stop mail sending when a new blog post is created
to the users.

app/mailers/blog mailer :

Somewhere in your app will be something calling this mailer - remove it.


Frederick C. wrote in post #1167785:

On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 11:45:44 AM UTC, Ruby-Forum.com User

how to write a code to stop mail sending when a new blog post is created
to the users.

app/mailers/blog mailer :

Somewhere in your app will be something calling this mailer - remove it.


config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true

if i make this false all other mailers also wont work.
is there any other way of integrating,any condition or any code to write