I would like how can I execute a query like (Postgres sql)
INSERT INTO oids (“filename”, “picture”)
in rails…Why I am asking this is I have a table oids having fields
id | integer | not null default
filename | character varying(255) | default NULL::character varying
picture | oid
I am trying to save an image file directly to picture field…My view
file is
<%= form_tag ({:action => “createoid”}, {:enctype =>
‘multipart/form-data’}) %>
Picture for OID
<%= file_field_tag “logo” %>
<%= submit_tag “Save” %>
<%= end_form_tag %> and controller is
def createoid
@pi = Oid.new
I am getting error
ArgumentError: Invalid Ruby/cstring: INSERT INTO oids (“filename”,
“picture”) VALUES(‘logo.png’, '�PNG���
Then some nonreadable chlues like above
And if the datatype above where bytea instead of oid no problem
Please help
Thanks in advance