Different views for different user's types

I have to create a web app with
2 different user’s types: advanced and basic.

What’s the best way to manage different user’s views (one for user’s
type) ?

I am using respond_to in this way:

respond_to do |format|
  case current_operator.op_type
  when 'basic'
    format.html { render :template => "devices/index_basic.html.erb"

when ‘advanced’
format.html # index.html.erb

but I don’t like that I need to specify
render :template => “devices/basic_action_page.html.erb” in every

Do you know some cleaner way to do that ?

thank you,

Something like:

kind = current_operator.op_type == “basic” ? “_basic” : nil

format.html { render :template => “devices/index#{kind}.html.erb”

And factor that in its own before_filter method or alike.

Fernando P. wrote:

Something like:

kind = current_operator.op_type == “basic” ? “_basic” : nil

format.html { render :template => “devices/index#{kind}.html.erb”

And factor that in its own before_filter method or alike.

thank you,
this is a good trick,
but in this way I have to specify the template in all action (index,
show, …)
Does exist some solution more simple ?
