Difference between gem install rmagick and port rb-rmagick

This is an instance of a more general question…

What is the difference if I install a gem with gem install vs.
installing it with port (which I already use for other applications)

or, is rb-rmagick something different from the gem called rmagick?



Pito S. wrote:

This is an instance of a more general question…

What is the difference if I install a gem with gem install vs.
installing it with port (which I already use for other applications)

or, is rb-rmagick something different from the gem called rmagick?



The software is the same, but the packaging system is different. If you
install RMagick using the gem command, then you manage it (update,
remove, etc.) with the gem command. If you install RMagick with the port
command then you manage it with the port command.

But (version differences aside) RMagick is RMagick no matter how you
install it.