I am looking for a way to compare to pieces of text, and mark up the
differences with html. Basically the way Basecamp Writeboards do it. I
was wondering whether this is available as a plugin (my initial search
didn’t turn up anything).
Ingo W.
2006/6/16, Ingo W. [email protected]:
I am looking for a way to compare to pieces of text, and mark up the
differences with html. Basically the way Basecamp Writeboards do it. I
was wondering whether this is available as a plugin (my initial search
didn’t turn up anything).
As I wrote on June 4:
There was a mail here on 3.10.05 from Joe C., I quote it below:
Just copy the library from here:
Save it under your railsdir/lib as diff.rb
In your environment.rb add
require ‘diff’
To use the method in the controller do something like this:
@diff_results = HTMLDiff.diff(@object1.text_to_compare,
in your view do something like this:
<%= @diff_results %>
If you want to change the look of the results, add this to your
del.diffmod {
color: #999;
background-color: #efefef;
ins.diffmod {
background-color: #cfc;
text-decoration: none;
color: #000;