Devise Authorization Error

Hello everyone,
I am new to rails and I am having some trouble getting the Devise
authorization plugin working. I can get the login page to display, but
when I enter the credentials for a known user (I seeded an account to
the database) it just says “Invalid email or password,” even though
I’m 100% sure I entered the right information, and redirects me to the
login form. I’m thinking this might be a namespace problem or
something but I’m not sure.

Here is the relevant code:

— routes.rb —


root :to => “content#index”

Admin Controllers

namespace ‘admin’ do
root :to => “admin#index”


devise_for :admin, :path=> ‘’, :path_names => {:sign_in =>
‘login’, :sign_out => ‘logout’}
resources :admin


devise_for :users, :path_names => {:sign_in => ‘login’, :sign_out =>

— END routes.rb —

— admin.rb (Model) —
class Admin < ActiveRecord::Base

devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :rememberable,
:trackable, :validatable

attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :first_name,
:last_name, :superadmin

— END admin.rb —

— new.html.erb (The login form) —

Administrator Login
<%= flash[:notice] %> <%= flash[:alert] %>

<%= form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url =>
session_path(resource_name), :html => {:id => :admin_login_form}) do |
f| %>

<% if devise_mapping.rememberable? -%>

<% end -%>

<%= f.label :email %>

<%= f.email_field :email %>

<%= f.label :password %>

<%= f.password_field :password %>

<%= f.label :remember_me %>

<%= f.check_box :remember_me %>

<%= f.submit “Sign in” %>
<% end %>

<%= render :partial => “devise/shared/links” %>

— END new.html.erb —

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!