I have the following:
Windows Vista (primary machine)
– 1.9.1-p129 and all gems I currently need
– using netbeans IDE 6.5
– have a primary project being developed
Ubuntu 9.x (VMWare box on primary machine)
– 1.9.1-p129 and all gems I currently need
– using netbeans IDE 6.5
– has a copied version of the primary project being developed
Ubuntu Hardy (VPS - main website hosted through slicehost)
– 1.9.1-p129 and all gems I currently need
– no projects uploaded or tested yet
I tested out the VMware box and was able to load my project and even
work on it. I received no errors and all tasks seemed to perform well.
This leads me to believe that as long as all three environments have the
exact same version of ruby and exact same version of gems (regardless of
ruby was compiled on windows with ming etc.) that they all should work.
Is this a correct assumption? -
I would simply code on my VMWare box but it’s a little more sluggish
becuse it’s a virtual box. I’m also worried that it will crash one day
and unless I’m doing nightly snapshots or saves, I’ll lose work. Do you
recommend that I just use this as a test box for my code and keep
developing on windows where I’m used to developing? -
Any suggestions on backing up data or crossing over data. Is there
a core concept or things to keep in mind when backing up projects after
you’ve worked on them? Do you backup the entire project? Or, just
specific folders? If the latter, which? -
Any other tips that I can use to keep my environment stable and
Many thanks in advance…