Developing simple Ruby game. Some beginner questions

I dont know this is right list for this topic. But.
I would like to write simple on-line game in Ruby.
For start only with single player mode.
I did some research about writing games in ruby and i found this two

But im thinking this maybe is an overkill.

Assumptions of game:

Turn-based game
Two players
Each player have 10 pawns
Each pawns have diferent ability(speed, armor)
Pawns moves like in Chess
Pawns can throw a ball
Board with 64 fields

Another questions:
0. How to setup game board for Ruby game?

  1. Should I write this only in RoR and Jquery??
  2. Which gems should I use to add multiplayer to this game in future?
  3. Maybe the easiest way is write this with rubygame?
  4. But how to develop this game online?

hi Darek -


  • j