Developing a frame work

I have to develop a framework in such way that it has to support work
flows and persistance storage in ruby on rails .for example if we take
office automation system ,if the user interacts with the system,if
that event results in workflow, the workflow system has to kick in
and if user wants to store the data ,the persistance thing will come
to picture .generally the object we want to circulate between
workflows is a spread sheet
can anyone supply pointers for this how to approach

On Sat, 2 Jun 2007, katthi wrote:

I have to develop a framework in such way that it has to support work
flows and persistance storage in ruby on rails .for example if we take
office automation system ,if the user interacts with the system,if
that event results in workflow, the workflow system has to kick in
and if user wants to store the data ,the persistance thing will come
to picture .generally the object we want to circulate between
workflows is a spread sheet
can anyone supply pointers for this how to approach

in order to fit your style i’ll also try to write the answer without
bothering much about correct punktuation gramar and ortografi and write
all more or less in one paragraf which doesnt make it much easier to
read but it illustrates an important point namely how to cleverly ask
questions on mailing lists so to come to the point what you could
do is to store your spread sheet somewhere on a persystent storage (say
/home/mysuperrubyapp/myspreadsheet999222333.xlr and then to pass on only
the reference such as the filename to it in the session and thus every
step in the whole work flow can then access that file and update it
greetings *t