We will be having our monthly (3rd Friday) Developers’ conference call
Time: 10 PM UTC (6 PM EDT, 3 PM PDT)
SIP: sip:[email protected]
IRC: #gnuradio on freenode
Tomorrow’s call will likely not take the entire hour. The main agenda
is to discuss the recent activity and changes to the Git repository
details to follow) and progress on the move to GNU Radio 3.4. Feel free
bring up other subjects tomorrow!
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Tom R.
[email protected]wrote:
bring up other subjects tomorrow!
I have posted the notes from Friday’s call:
http://gnuradio.org/redmine/wiki/gnuradio/Call20110318We had a good
but I would still like to optimize the time a bit better. We were hoping
that most people would want to wait until after work to participate,
is why we set it at 6 PM Easter. Would people find it better to be
in the day? Perhaps another day of the week? I was thinking Thursday so
don’t interfere with people’s Friday night plans.
Oh, – (2 x minus) to GNURadio email list, including me, and specially
to lazy university teachers!
I’ve always thought the meetings were full? Therefore I’ve not attended.
Perhaps you could announce on the GNURadio web page “when and url”?
Perhaps the freenode could be on a weekend day (Sunday)?
----- Original Message -----
From: Tom R.
To: GNURadio D.ion List
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 6:16
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Re: Developers’ Call, March 18, 2011
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Tom R. [email protected]
We will be having our monthly (3rd Friday) Developers' conference
call tomorrow.
Time: 10 PM UTC (6 PM EDT, 3 PM PDT)
SIP: sip:[email protected]
IRC: #gnuradio on freenode
Tomorrow's call will likely not take the entire hour. The main
agenda item is to discuss the recent activity and changes to the Git
repository (mailing details to follow) and progress on the move to GNU
Radio 3.4. Feel free to bring up other subjects tomorrow!
I have posted the notes from Friday’s call:
We had a good group, but I would still like to optimize the time a bit
better. We were hoping that most people would want to wait until after
work to participate, which is why we set it at 6 PM Easter. Would people
find it better to be earlier in the day? Perhaps another day of the
week? I was thinking Thursday so we don’t interfere with people’s Friday
night plans.