Does Rails provide a means for determining the width of the viewing
area? What I’d like to do is to be able to say something like,
‘style=“width: 100%-140px”’. Thanks.
... doug
Does Rails provide a means for determining the width of the viewing
area? What I’d like to do is to be able to say something like,
‘style=“width: 100%-140px”’. Thanks.
... doug
that’s a server side issue, so it’s not as much as Rails issue as a
Javascript issue. And as far as I know, Rails doesn’t have any helpers
that kind of function. Try looking around for the terms javascript and
window.width. that should get you started…
On 4/12/07, doug [email protected] wrote:
Mike W.
Web D.
UW-Eau Claire
On 12 Apr 2007, at 19:54, doug wrote:
Does Rails provide a means for determining the width of the viewing
area? What I’d like to do is to be able to say something like,
‘style=“width: 100%-140px”’. Thanks.
The width of a viewing area is a clientside thing, Rails is a
serverside framework. You need to look into Prototype (a JavaScript
framework), which has functions to handle this kind of thing. I can
recommend the “Prototype & Scriptaculous in Action” book from Manning
as well as the prototype API on Position: Prototype API Documentation | Home (Deprecated URL)
A google search should also bring up a couple of things.
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
Thanks to all. With the help I obtained, I got it working. The point
about the dimensions of the viewing area being a client-side thing is
well taken. Thanks again.
... doug
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