Desperate, errors with file upload


i implementing a file upload using paperclip plugin. i getting the
following error [1] when uploading a file. I’m using the gems rails
v2.3.8 and paperclip v2.1.6. the parameter hash looks like [2], the
model like [3].

Interesting is that i get two different errors, on the localhost with
webrick it says:

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
no marshal_dump is defined for class Proc
message_verifier.rb:38:in `dump’

on the server (same setup):

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
can’t dump File
message_verifier.rb:38:in `dump’

any hints?

[2] Processing UploadItemController#create (for at
2011-06-01 11:42:48) [POST]
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Upload”, “action”=>“create”,
“controller”=>“upload_item”, “upload_item”=>{“title”=>“dddd”,
“upload”=>#<File:/tmp/RackMultipart7503-0>, “upload_rules”=>“0”,
Redirected to
Completed in 298ms (DB: 26) | 302 Found [http://]

/!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Wed Jun 01 11:42:48 +0200 2011
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
can’t dump File
message_verifier.rb:38:in dump' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.8/lib/active_support/ message_verifier.rb:38:in generate’
session/cookie_store.rb:157:in marshal' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.8/lib/action_controller/ session/cookie_store.rb:106:in call’
failsafe.rb:26:in call' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rack/lock.rb:11:in call’
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rack/lock.rb:11:in synchronize' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rack/lock.rb:11:in call’
dispatcher.rb:106:in call' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:92:in process_request’
207:in main_loop' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb: 441:in start_request_handler’
381:in handle_spawn_application' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:252:in safe_fork’
377:in handle_spawn_application' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in send
main_loop' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in start_synchronously’
start' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb: 222:in start’
spawn_rails_application' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb: 126:in lookup_or_add’
spawn_rails_application' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb: 80:in synchronize’
79:in synchronize' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:246:in spawn_rails_application’
spawn_application' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:278:in handle_spawn_application’
__send__' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in main_loop’

has_attached_file :upload,
:styles => { :thumb => { :geometry => “200x200>”,
:format => :png }},
:whiny => false

validates_attachment_content_type :upload,
:content_type => [‘image/jpeg’,
‘application/pdf’], :message
=> ‘Uploaded file is not an image nor pdf’

On Jun 1, 10:51am, PeterI [email protected] wrote:


i implementing a file upload using paperclip plugin. i getting the
following error [1] when uploading a file. I’m using the gems rails
v2.3.8 and paperclip v2.1.6. the parameter hash looks like [2], the
model like [3].

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
can’t dump File
message_verifier.rb:38:in `dump’

any hints?

This sounds like your controller is putting something in the session
which can’t be serialized (such as a file or proc object)


thanx for the answer.

but how can i prevent the controller from doing so?


On Jun 1, 2:49pm, PeterI [email protected] wrote:

thanx for the answer.

but how can i prevent the controller from doing so?

Well that depends on what it’s doing in the first place. If you post
the relevant controller code someone might be able to help. If it’s
not in the action itself, look for any before/after filters that might
be running. It might also be worth adding some code to print what is
in the session - it might give you some clue as to what is putting it


hi, thanks a lot for your answer!

the application is very simple. user registration with authlogic and
file upload. [1] shows the FileUploadController. Authlogic creates a
session object. a before filter looks if the user is logged in. [2]
shows the UserSessionController.

I dont think its authlogic that dumps the file into the session,
because i got the error since i tryed to implement a file upload
(before i added user registration), and i got the same error from
attachment_fu plugin. by the way the application is hosted on
github:GitHub - peonic/ichsehichseh: file upload for the project ichsehichseh
is there a way to disable session store for a Controller.

class UploadItemController < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_user

def new
@user = current_user
@upload_item =
@story = @user.story.first

def create
@upload_item =[:upload_item])
@upload_item.story = current_user.story.first

  flash[:notice] = "Upload completed"
  redirect_to user_url(current_user)
  flash[:error] = @upload_item.errors
  render :action => new


class UserSessionsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_no_user, :only => [:new, :create]
before_filter :require_user, :only => :destroy

def new
@user_session =

def create
@user_session =[:user_session])
flash[:notice] = “Erfolgreich Eingeloggt”
redirect_to user_url(@user_session)
render :action => :new

def destroy
redirect_to new_user_session_url

I had the same error … ( see my recent post …'t+dump#0812ebc44c574c17

I solved the issue by clearing out the tempfile created…

====== quote ======
Hi David
I was re-running my test to output the trace , but I tested again
another trick … by trying to delete directly the upload tempfile
attribute of the ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile created instance
before the redirect_to …
params[:clip][:data].tempfile = nil
redirect_to …
and it’s running … so params[:clip][:data] = nil or
params[:clip] = nil is not enough …

Problem SOLVED !!!

the error was cased in my UploadController when printing the
ActiveRecord errors in the flash[:errors]. this made rails dump the
hole object (including the file) in the error flash. this is one more
reason to use the helper method <%= error_messages_for :my_controller
instead of displaying it in a flash[:error]

On Jun 2, 4:05pm, PeterI [email protected] wrote:

attachment_fu plugin. by the way the application is hosted on
github:GitHub - peonic/ichsehichseh: file upload for the project ichsehichseh

Weird. The only thing I can think of is to stick a breakpoint where
the exception is raised: if you can see what the offending object is,
that might give you a clue
