Total noob on Ruby, didnt start yet but i’m planning to learn the
language. How easy or hard is it in creating desktop database
applications.e.g Accounting, Inventory, Payroll, School Management
Warren D. wrote:
Total noob on Ruby, didnt start yet but i’m planning to learn the
language. How easy or hard is it in creating desktop database
applications.e.g Accounting, Inventory, Payroll, School Management
is there a site where i can download some sample complete applications
on Ruby?
Warren D. wrote:
Warren D. wrote:
Total noob on Ruby, didnt start yet but i’m planning to learn the
language. How easy or hard is it in creating desktop database
applications.e.g Accounting, Inventory, Payroll, School Management
is there a site where i can download some sample complete applications
on Ruby?
James B. - Wicked Cool Coding - Playing with Better Toys - Ruby Help & Documentation - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
It’s really hard shifting from pirated windows products to free open
i got used to drag and drop user interface design using vb and C# , i
want to learn ruby or any other free open source programming language.
I made this application, which might be interesting but also very big
(and only works on linux):
Other examples are on the ruby gnome website:
I liked ruby for developing, but had problems porting the application on
Windows as ruby-gnome2 just crashed …
Am Samstag, den 29.11.2008, 14:25 +0900 schrieb James B.:
What is the BEST GUI Toolkit for Ruby?
Define “BEST”…
I’ve made a Ruby stand alone application using ActiveRecord for work
with records , sqlite how database, libglade for import glade files.
It can manage images how blob fields without problems. The IDE for
graphic design I used is Glade and the editor for source code ruby I
used is Emacs. This small application I made only for know about Ruby
and learn the language and its takes me only one week.
The software is a little calendar for events and lists of contacts. If
somebody want see that, is in my personal page a screen-cast about the
Gnu/Linux count user #416024
Pagina personal :
Mi blog :
Skype: cesarstafe
Tim H. wrote:
Roman Rapido wrote:
What is the BEST GUI Toolkit for Ruby?
There are more opinions than toolkits. Try searching “ruby best gui
toolkit library” on Google.
Thread closed.
Roman Rapido wrote:
What is the BEST GUI Toolkit for Ruby?
There are more opinions than toolkits. Try searching “ruby best gui
toolkit library” on Google.
Tim H. wrote:
Roman Rapido wrote:
What is the BEST GUI Toolkit for Ruby?
There are more opinions than toolkits. Try searching “ruby best gui
toolkit library” on Google.
Or rephrase the question and include your particular needs regarding
platform, licensing, available widgets, packaging tools, WYSIWYG tools,
and so on.
There’s a world of difference between a handful of dialog boxes and a
commercial, multi-paned, MDI application.
James B. - Wicked Cool Coding - Playing with Better Toys - Ruby Help & Documentation - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff