Hi All,
I have created one ROR application to upload file to S3. Now I wanted
to create desktop app to connect to the web app & upload file to S3
using the same credentials. Could you please tell me how can I achieve
I have found some of the gems like shoes,visualruby etc to create GUI
applications in ruby. But I wanna it in such a way that, it should be a
package & after installing it should give an icon in the desktop & I
should be able to provide my credentials to the app. Then I can do a
drag n drop or select file from system & do upload it into S3 bucket. Is
it possible using ruby??
If anybody having some experience on it, please share with me.
But I wanna it in such a way that, it should be a
package & after installing it should give an icon in the desktop & I
should be able to provide my credentials to the app. Then I can do a
drag n drop or select file from system & do upload it into S3 bucket. Is
it possible using ruby??
Probably, you’re unlikely to get a useful answer without specifying what
platform you’re targeting - e.g. Linux, Windows, OSX.
(Aside: there’s script/runner if you want a CLI to your Rails models,
but anything Rails-specific belongs on a different mailing list)