i currently try to setup an rails project with deprec
(http://deprec.org). i have executed the command “deprec --apply-to .”
in my rails project directory and edited the condig/deploy.rb.
Then i have tried “cap install_rails_stack” and i got the following
erros message:
command “sudo groups daniel | grep ’ deploy ’ || sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G deploy -a daniel” failed on www.host.com
invalid option -a
know anybody what i could do ?
regards daniel
I have edited the file
i have removed the parenthesis from the expression “grep ‘#{group}’”
and added the user ‘daniel’ manually to the group ‘deploy’.
# add group to the list of groups this user belongs to
def add_user_to_group(user, group)
send(run_method, "groups #{user} | grep '#{group}' || sudo
/usr/sbin/usermod -G #{group} -a #{user}")
this works for me.
regards daniel
i have removed the blanks from the expression “grep ’ #{group} '”
and added the user ‘daniel’ manually to the group ‘deploy’.