Deny directory abc denies directory abcd etc

I’m new to this forum so I hope this hasn’t come up before I didn’t find
anything by searching.

I’m using the following to block access to multiple directories:

location ~ /(abc|def|ghi) { deny all; access_log off; log_not_found
off; return 404;}

The problem I find is that if there is a file or directory beginning
with the same three characters, it too is blocked. So, for example, a
directory or file named abcd would also be blocked.

Is there a solution to this or is my code incorrect?



Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 13:30 -0400, edtaa wrote:

I’m new to this forum so I hope this hasn’t come up before I didn’t find
anything by searching.

I’m using the following to block access to multiple directories:

location ~ /(abc|def|ghi) { deny all; access_log off; log_not_found
off; return 404;}

Regex locations take precedence over literal locations. Change your
regex to this:

location ~ /(abc|def|ghi)/?$
