I’m trying to use has_many :through, since my join model deserves being
If I reload my page, user.colors.length == 2 again, and the old color is
still a part of the collection.
I think there is a problem in your table relations.
:through: Specifies a Join Model to perform the query through. Options
for :class_name and :foreign_key are ignored, as the association uses
the source reflection. You can only use a :through query through a
belongs_to or has_many association.
:through: Specifies a Join Model to perform the query through. Options
for :class_name and :foreign_key are ignored, as the association uses
the source reflection. You can only use a :through query through a
belongs_to or has_many association.
Have you noticed the last sentence?
I think I’m doing it right.
class User
has_many :favorites
has_many :colors, :through => :favorites
class Color
has_many :favorites
has_many :users, :through => :favorites
class Favorite
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :color
Are you saying I’ve still got the relationships wrong somehow?
def delete_color
color = Color.find(params[:color_id])
user.colors.delete(color) # this works in script/console as expected
at this point, user.colors.length is correct
redirect :action => :show # this will show 2 favorite colors again:
user.colors.length is wrong
Can you have a look in the log?
I’m interested in what SQL commands are executed on this save if only
colors association changed and no other user data.
Does it only update the association to colors or everything from user
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