I have a class, and one of its instance variables is a hash. I want to
define a method “each” to my class, which simply executes an “each” to
this hash.
I can think of two possible solutions, which both work well. Assuming
that my hash is @myh, I can define my :each method as either
def each
@myh.each { |k,v| yield(k,v) }
def each(&block)
My questions:
Does anybody know of a yet (fundamentally) different solution for this
problem? I was thinking that the general pattern here would be “delegate
a method call with all parameters to a different object”. This seems to
be general enough, that I wonder, whether Ruby has a mechanism for this. -
Thinking about maintainability, what are the possible disadvantages of
these solutions? I don’t see any advantage of one over the other, but
would appreciate other opinions.
BTW, I’m using Ruby 2.0, but solutions to more recent Ruby versions are
also appreciated.