Here is what I’m trying to do
class List
Method item
Pushes an item into an array @items
Method to_s
returns elements within @items into a string
class Groceries < List
item :lettuce
item :potato
item :ham
The trouble I’m having is figuring out how to go about adding an
instance variable, which is an array, and will be updated using these
attr like methods (I don’t know what these are called which is giving me
some trouble). Is this possible to pull off?
On 20.04.2008 23:37, Chad Murphy wrote:
item :lettuce
item :potato
item :ham
The trouble I’m having is figuring out how to go about adding an
instance variable, which is an array, and will be updated using these
attr like methods (I don’t know what these are called which is giving me
some trouble).
You are looking for class methods.
Is this possible to pull off?
Yes, but I doubt it is what you want: you are asking for class methods
to add items but you create an instance ( Where is the
point in defining a list of items on class level and instantiate it
multiple times?
If you describe what you want to achieve, i.e. what (business) problem
you are trying to solve we can come up with other suggestions that may
be more appropriate.
For example: this looks like a case for inheritance:
class Grocery
class Lettuce < Grocery
class Potato < Grocery
With a little bit of meta programming you can then get all the
subclasses of Grocery.
Kind regards
Robert K. wrote:
On 20.04.2008 23:37, Chad Murphy wrote:
item :lettuce
item :potato
item :ham
The trouble I’m having is figuring out how to go about adding an
instance variable, which is an array, and will be updated using these
attr like methods (I don’t know what these are called which is giving me
some trouble).
You are looking for class methods.
Is this possible to pull off?
Yes, but I doubt it is what you want: you are asking for class methods
to add items but you create an instance ( Where is the
point in defining a list of items on class level and instantiate it
multiple times?
If you describe what you want to achieve, i.e. what (business) problem
you are trying to solve we can come up with other suggestions that may
be more appropriate.
For example: this looks like a case for inheritance:
class Grocery
class Lettuce < Grocery
class Potato < Grocery
With a little bit of meta programming you can then get all the
subclasses of Grocery.
I saw some code like this and tried playing around it. I think the
problem was that I had no idea whether it was something you could do in
order to abstract things from the sub class or something completely
different, but I realized you could do that with a method.
Kind regards
Thanks again.
You might want to check out the Doodle rubygem at .
Here’s an example of its use:
daniel@daniel-desktop:~$ cat /tmp/doodle.rb
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘doodle’
class List < Doodle::Base
has :items, :collect => :item
class GroceryList < List
# nothing added here.
my_list = GroceryList do
item “Chunky bacon”
item “Lettuce”
item “Tomato”
p my_list.items
daniel@daniel-desktop:~$ ruby /tmp/doodle.rb
[“Chunky bacon”, “Lettuce”, “Tomato”]
On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Chad Murphy