How do I define a singleton method dynamically?
I have code similar to this:
def foo(obj,label)
def; label; end #we want to define a singleton method called
“name” on obj which returns the value in label
puts #this is an example. Actually I have some code here
expects this singleton method in obj
When I try to run this as foo(,“xyz”), it throws a “NameError:
undefined local variable or method `label’ for #Object:0xb7b02018”
I want it to print “xyz” to screen.
Of course, line 2 in method foo is not correct. But what is the correct
Hi –
On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Nilesh T. wrote:
When I try to run this as foo(,“xyz”), it throws a “NameError:
undefined local variable or method `label’ for #Object:0xb7b02018” whereas
I want it to print “xyz” to screen.
Of course, line 2 in method foo is not correct. But what is the correct way?
def starts a new local scope, so it won’t see label. You need to get
into obj’s singleton class, using code blocks rather than class and
def blocks:
def foo(obj, label)
(class << obj; self; end).class_eval do
define_method(“name”) { label }
You could also do something with eval but I prefer to use the code
block approach rather than the string-eval’ing approach.
(Still hoping for Object#singleton_class to make the access to the
singleton class a little less awkward 
David A. Black / Ruby Power and Light, LLC /
Ruby/Rails training, mentoring, consulting, code-review
Latest book: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (The Well-Grounded Rubyist)
September Ruby training in NJ has been POSTPONED. Details to follow.
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Nilesh T. [email protected]
When I try to run this as foo(,“xyz”), it throws a “NameError:
undefined local variable or method `label’ for #Object:0xb7b02018” whereas
I want it to print “xyz” to screen.
Of course, line 2 in method foo is not correct. But what is the correct
Replacing line 2 by:
obj.instance_eval “def name; ‘#{label}’; end”
does get the behaviour that I want. Is this the best way to do this or
there a better, cleaner way?
Thanks Davind. That makes sense. 
On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:49 AM, David A. Black wrote:
“name” on obj which returns the value in label
You could also do something with eval but I prefer to use the code
block approach rather than the string-eval’ing approach.
(Still hoping for Object#singleton_class to make the access to the
singleton class a little less awkward 
I agree, but it’s needed a little less in Ruby 1.9 which adds
defined_singleton_method(). Thus, in 1.9 your code could be:
def foo(obj, label)
obj.define_singleton_method(:name) { label }
As a side topic, the fact that this method was added seems to kill the
argument about why we can’t have singleton_class(). As I understand
it, the method we want is never added because we aren’t sure if the
name is right yet. Seems like we’re committed to the name at this
point and might as well just get on with defining the methods that
help us.
James Edward G. II
Hi –
On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Nilesh T. wrote:
expects this singleton method in obj
Replacing line 2 by:
obj.instance_eval “def name; ‘#{label}’; end”
does get the behaviour that I want. Is this the best way to do this or is
there a better, cleaner way?
It may be overkill, but I pretty much always choose the block form of
*_eval rather than the string form, as per my response of a couple of
minutes ago. If you’re going to eval strings, you could also do:
eval “def; ‘#{label}’; end”
David A. Black / Ruby Power and Light, LLC /
Ruby/Rails training, mentoring, consulting, code-review
Latest book: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (The Well-Grounded Rubyist)
September Ruby training in NJ has been POSTPONED. Details to follow.