Default date for date_select


How can I set a default date for a date_select?

I’m trying to do something along the lines of:

<%= date_select(“requirement”, “target_date”, :end_year =>
2020, :discard_day => true, :include_blank => true, :order =>
[:month, :year], :default => {:month => 10, :year => 2012 }) %>

but the default that comes up on the form is blank month and blank


Did you try to remove

:include_blank => true

I did try that. It defaults to the current month and year instead of
what I specified.

On Oct 13, 7:32 am, Jamal S. [email protected]

Hi All

I’m having a similar issue with the following which defaults to
today’s date rather than specified default.

<%= date_select(:search, :start, :order =>
[:day, :month, :year], :default => “2007-06-24”) %>

Any ideas?


What version of rails are you using? The default option for
date_select only works in edge rails.

randomutterings… wrote:

What version of rails are you using? The default option for
date_select only works in edge rails.

well, i’m using rails 1.2.5 and the default date_select still without

any idea how to fix it!!! appreciate your help