The default behavior for a new rails 2.1 with mongrel 1.1.5 for an
unrecognized route in both a production and development environment is
to generate a Routing Exception.
I was under the impression the default in production should be to
render 404.html file found in the public directory. Please see my
pastie at http://pastie.org/226508 for how I tested this. I also
tested it in ff3 w/the same exception. Am I missing something or
doing something incorrectly?
The default behavior is for RecordNotFound exceptions to display a 404.
don’t believe that’s true for routiing exceptions.
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Jonathan W.
[email protected]
On Jul 2, 9:18 pm, “Brian H.” [email protected] wrote:
The default behavior is for RecordNotFound exceptions to display a 404. I
don’t believe that’s true for routiing exceptions.
It’s also the case that requests form localhost are handled
differently (when dealing with what is displayed when an error
Ahh that’s right! I forgot about that!
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Frederick C.
[email protected]