Ok, so I am trying integrate with someone who is sending me a string
that is triple des encrypted thru perl.
I need to decrypt the string thru ruby.
I have had no luck decrypting, so decided I would try to encrypt in
ruby as a sanity check…of course…I get different results.
HELP please
Here is the perl…then the ruby. Oh yes, and I am so glad there are
no ; in ruby !
#========================= perl
use Crypt::TripleDES;
use URI::Escape;
my $token=“1234567890”;
my $des = new Crypt::TripleDES;
my $string= $des->encrypt3($token,$key);
#print “string=$string\n\n”;
print “string=$string\n\n”;
#========================= ruby
require ‘openssl’
require ‘cgi’
require ‘uri’
token = “1234567890”
e = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new ‘DES-EDE3’
e.encrypt key
s = e.update token
s << e.final
puts URI.escape(s)
The problem with your code is that you are using two different
You are implementing TripleDES in ECB mode in perl, and TripleDES in
DES_EDE3 mode in ruby. The latter being a block cipher that is
data to be fed to it in 8-bit blocks one at a time. To match them up
would have to use Crypt::DES_EDE3 in perl, however that would mean your
would have to be supplied in 8-bit blocks which would be very
unless you were operating on binary data and supplying some kind of
as needed. I would suggest finding out how to implement the ECB mode in
ruby to match up with your perl code. I looked online at ruby-lang.org
couldn’t find a list of ciphers that the .new method accepts. Good
“Nathan T.-Hoover” [email protected] writes:
The problem with your code is that you are using two different encryption
Not quite; see /docs/manmaster/man1/enc.html - in brief:
des-ede3-cbc Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
des-ede3 Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
des3 Alias for des-ede3-cbc
des-ede3-cfb Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
des-ede3-ofb Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode
So the cipher being used should in theory work, but it clearly doesn’t
at all. I can’t find any decent information relating what
Crypt:TripleDES does to an equivalent operation for openssl. (openssl
in ruby or otherwise) I also don’t know that passing the key as the
argument to encrypt is the appropriate behavior.
Openssl has both keys and initial values, which are derived from
passphrases in a manner I don’t understand. Crypt::TripleDES uses
only a key, and I don’t know how those two correspond to each other.