I’m trying to use Nginx FastCGI caching to cache my site’s home page and
blog home page. However, caching doesn’t seem to be working on these
and $upstream_cache_status always seems to be “MISS”.
Files under /bundles/ are correctly cached (see eg. the CSS and
on the site). I’ve noticed that $upstream_cache_status is “BYPASS” on
that shouldn’t be cached, which makes me think it’s correctly picking up
those URIs as being cacheable.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 07:12:59AM -0500, Daniel15 wrote:
Hi there,
I’m trying to use Nginx FastCGI caching to cache my site’s home page and
blog home page. However, caching doesn’t seem to be working on these pages,
and $upstream_cache_status always seems to be “MISS”.
Examine the traffic between each client/server pair (in this case nginx
and the fasctcgi server). Then protocol-specific knowledge might reveal
the problem.
I don’t see anything in your config which adds that header, so
presumably it is coming from upstream.
Thanks, Mono / ASP.NET must be adding that by default (as I have not
explicitly added any caching headers). I’ll set the correct caching
for this page.
Based on this, I assume that Nginx only caches responses with
public (or similar) headers? I couldn’t find this documented anywhere on
Nginx site so I wasn’t sure.
Does Nginx use the Expires or Max-Age headers, and how do these work
fastcgi_cache_valid? If the Max-Age is 1 hour and Expires is 1 hour in
future, but fastcgi_cache_valid is set to 2 hours, how long would Nginx
cache the response for?
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 01:28:36AM -0500, Daniel15 wrote:
Thanks, Mono / ASP.NET must be adding that by default (as I have not
explicitly added any caching headers). I’ll set the correct caching headers
for this page.
Based on this, I assume that Nginx only caches responses with Cache-Control:
public (or similar) headers? I couldn’t find this documented anywhere on the
Nginx site so I wasn’t sure.
Yes, any of the “private”, “no-cache” and “no-store” in
Cache-Control disables cache.
Does Nginx use the Expires or Max-Age headers, and how do these work with
fastcgi_cache_valid? If the Max-Age is 1 hour and Expires is 1 hour in the
future, but fastcgi_cache_valid is set to 2 hours, how long would Nginx
cache the response for?
The “Expires” header takes precedence over fastcgi_cache_valid
(unless ignored with fastcgi_ignore_headers; and, BTW, this is
documented at Module ngx_http_fastcgi_module).
There is no “Max-Age” header, but the “max-age” directive of the
“Cache-Control” header, and it takes precedence over
fastcgi_cache_valid as well.
Maxim D.
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