I have a question on DDE
I use the following command;
d = tk_call(‘dde’, ‘request’, ‘TOS’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, x.opra)
it seems that the call doesnot always give data while I am sure data is
Tested via a dde call in a spreadsheet.
Could it be that that my program is not waiting long enough for the DDE
Appreciate any help.
Ernst T
Is there away to do dde calls in a async way and handle them with
I am stuck here, would appreciate any help.
Ernst T
no response so far;
have check on event/callback but sofar nothing.
read MSFT documentation on DDE, no direct help either.
Still hope some fellow Rubyist will give a hand.
Junkone wrote:
On Jan 9, 11:12�pm, Ernst T. [email protected] wrote:
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
i have been searching high and low on how to use dde with ruby and the
only post i have seen is yours. will keep looking.
Anyone experience with DDE who would like to contribute to this post.
I am stuck here.
My program runs; sometime I get data; sometime I get the string “N/A”.
A request for senior rubyist to write a DDE Gem.
If you check out VisualFoxPro you see a great set of command handling
every DDE situation.
Trust me; I have check the web – it really seems Ruby doesnot have
anything close.
DDE Functions.
It would be great if the gem could also handle callback from DDEadvise
TK has a limited set of DDE command implemented. Two disadvantages one
you have to load TK for just a limited use; two the Tk DDE
implementation is very limited.
I am not able to take up my own dare. I learned to program in 1980 on
Cics/Cobol and have learned ruby over the last months by trial and
error. I am on the edge of my ruby knowledge.
We have a long weekend coming up; 
On Jan 18, 12:00 pm, Ernst T. [email protected] wrote:
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
I second that. I just dont know much ruby or dde mechanics to
contribute. I would appreciate if someone took this proj and guide.
On Jan 9, 11:12 pm, Ernst T. [email protected] wrote:
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
i have been searching high and low on how to use dde with ruby and the
only post i have seen is yours. will keep looking.