DCell 0.0.1: Distributed actors for Ruby

DCell is a distributed actor framework for Ruby. Somewhat similar to
DCell allows you to make calls to Celluloid actors registered on remote
nodes the exact way you’d make calls to local Celluloid actors: using
the familiar obj.method(…) syntax. DCell uses 0MQ as the network
and relies on an external coordination service: either Redis or

DCell is available on Github: GitHub - tarcieri/dcell: Just a redirect to the new DCell repository
It’s also released via Rubygems: dcell | RubyGems.org | your community gem host

DCell is the distributed component of the Celluloid concurrent object
library for
Ruby (the name stands for Distributed Celluloid). For more information
Celluloid, please see:

Celluloid RDoc: http://celluloid.github.com/
Celluloid on Github: GitHub - tarcieri/celluloid: My personal fork of Celluloid. Please don't open PRs or issues here.

DCell exposes Celluloid’s asynchronous messaging protocol across Ruby
using 0MQ and Marshal. Any Celluloid proxy object can be marshalled just
any Ruby object, giving you handles to Celluloid actors you can pass
a distributed system just like any other object (and similar to Erlang

Unlike DRb, DCell supports asynchronous method invocation by calling
obj.method! allowing you to signal actors on remote nodes you want a
invoked without waiting for a response. DCell also supports futures,
you to signal a remote actor you want a method invoked, then collecting
the result later. This makes for extremely simple scatter/gather
across distributed systems. In many ways, DCell can be thought of as
asynchronous DRb.

DCell draws many ideas about fault-tolerance from Erlang. Distributed
can link together across nodes, so that when an actor crashes on one
every actor it’s linked to on remote nodes is notified. This allows a
crash in
one actor (e.g. a group leader) to propagate to all its dependent
actors, which
can decide what to do in the event of a crash. Perhaps they’ll crash too
restart in a clean state (this is the default behavior), or they can
the crash notification and take action (e.g. holding a leader election)

This is the initial release of DCell so it’s somewhat sparse on
features, however
you can do the following already:

  • Find all nodes in the system with DCell::Node.all
  • Find a specific node in the system using DCell::Node[node_id]
  • Locate all registered actors on a node with DCell::Node#all
  • Locate a specific actor on a node with DCell::Node#[name]

Once you’ve obtained a handle to an actor, it should quack just like any
Celluloid actor in the system. DCell aims to provide an abstraction
layer which,
as much as possible, makes Celluloid actors behave just like local
much in the same way Erlang tries to make remote processes act like

If you’d like to keep up on DCell development please follow me on



On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 05:49:10AM +0900, Tony A. wrote:

DCell is a distributed actor framework for Ruby. Somewhat similar to DRb,
DCell allows you to make calls to Celluloid actors registered on remote
nodes the exact way you’d make calls to local Celluloid actors: using
the familiar obj.method(…) syntax. DCell uses 0MQ as the network transport
and relies on an external coordination service: either Redis or Zookeeper.

DCell is available on Github: GitHub - tarcieri/dcell: Just a redirect to the new DCell repository

I think it’s missing a license notice. Is it licensed under the same
terms (MIT/X11 License) as Celluloid?

Yep. Thanks for the heads up. I went ahead and added the MIT license
in the git repo.

On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 12:05:16AM +0900, Tony A. wrote:

Yep. Thanks for the heads up. I went ahead and added the MIT license
in the git repo.

Excellent. Thank you.