Hello everyone.
SQLite3 database ANALYZE command makes internal statistics table
however db:schema:load trys to clone its reserved table. So it fails.
Could anyone tell me idea?
== command ==
rake test:units
rake aborted!
SQLite3::SQLException: object name reserved for internal use:
sqlite_autoindex_products_1: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
“sqlite_autoindex_products_1” ON “products” (“id”)
Tasks: TOP => db:schema:load
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
rake db:schema:load
– create_table(“products”, {:force=>true})
→ 0.3594s
– add_index(“products”, [“id”], {:unique=>true,
rake aborted!
SQLite3::SQLException: object name reserved for internal use:
sqlite_autoindex_products_1: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
“sqlite_autoindex_products_1” ON “products” (“id”)
Tasks: TOP => db:schema:load
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
== sql-db ==
sqlite3 delelopment.db .dump | grep “sqlite_stat1”
INSERT INTO “sqlite_stat1” VALUES(‘products’,‘products_titleid’,‘6247
INSERT INTO “sqlite_stat1” VALUES(‘products’,‘products_day’,‘6247 521
INSERT INTO “sqlite_stat1”
VALUES(‘products’,‘sqlite_autoindex_products_1’,‘6247 1’);
= version =
gem list
activerecord (3.2.6)
rails (3.2.6)
sqlite3 (1.3.6)
dpkg -l|grep sqlite
ii sqlite3 3.7.3-1 A command line interface for SQLite 3
Randy Michaels
[email protected]