DB2 under Windows XP - "Missing DB2 Libraries or headers"

I’m trying to get the Ruby DB2 bindings to compile under Windows XP.
I’ve been working on this on and off over the last few days with little

The second step, “ruby setuyp.rb setup” was generating this error
ABORT: Could not locate DB2 libraries or headers

I know I have Db2 installed correctly so I did a little digging and
found that
the extconf.rb file (in ext/db2) was failing. I’m new to Ruby so
through the code was an interesting exercise. I finally go it to show
me the
windows command it was trying to execute:

cl -nologo -Feconftest
-IC:/Ruby & Rails/ruby-db2-0.4.4/ext/db2
“-I"C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB”/include"
-I. -I./… -I./…/missing
-MD -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 conftest.c
msvcrt-ruby18-static.lib db2cli.lib oldnames.lib
user32.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib -link
-libpath:"“C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB”/lib"

After much playing around, I finally got a version that works:

cl -nologo -Feconftest -I"C:/Ruby & Rails/ruby-db2-0.4.4/ext/db2"
-I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/include"
-I"C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/include" -I. -I"./…" -I"./…/missing"
-MD -Zi -O2b2x conftest.c
msvcrt-ruby18-static.lib db2cli.lib oldnames.lib
user32.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib -link
-libpath:“C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/lib”
-libpath:“C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/lib”

The major differences are in quoting and in missing includes and
(I also removed a couple of compile options that are unknown or

So now my problem is how do I change the code to correctly generate this
working command instead of the failing one. At this point, I’m really
my head since the Ruby code is a bit beyond me.

Any help (or pointers to a working version) would be appreciated.