Db:migrate question

In my environment.rb, I have set:

    config.active_record.schema_format = :ruby

Whenever I do a rake db:migrate, both db/development_structure.sql and
db/schema.rb get generated. This shouldn’t happen should it? I thought
I should only get db/schema.rb?


Hi Jordan –

On 14-Jul-06, at 7:18 PM, Jordan E. wrote:

In my environment.rb, I have set:

   config.active_record.schema_format = :ruby

Whenever I do a rake db:migrate, both db/development_structure.sql and
db/schema.rb get generated. This shouldn’t happen should it? I thought
I should only get db/schema.rb?

Yeah, you’re right. That shouldn’t be happening. You don’t really
need to specify that you want to use the AR schema dumper explicitly,
though, as it’s the default. Try commenting it out completely and see
what happens.



Yeah, you’re right. That shouldn’t be happening. You don’t really
need to specify that you want to use the AR schema dumper explicitly,
though, as it’s the default. Try commenting it out completely and see
what happens.

Didn’t make a difference. But, I created a brand new rails project and
it doesn’t happen. Only schema.rb gets updated. Must be something
weird with my setup.

I’ve had a few strange things going on lately. For example, whenever I
run a rake task or ./script/generate, it seems to run unit tests. I
get this output from a ./script/generate migration:

Loaded suite ./script/generate

Finished in 0.000384 seconds.

0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

This doesn’t happen with a newly created project either. I think this
weirdness may be related. I am now living on edge rails though and
have updated all configs, so I don’t see what can be different to the
vanilla project I’ve just created?